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Shandong Laishi Automation Technology Co., Ltd.
Proveedor multi-especialidad
{0} años
Shandong, China
Productos principales:Probador de dureza, equipo de muestreo metalográfico, generador de imágenes, cámara de prueba ambiental, perfilador de rugosidad
Global export expertiseDesign-based customizationCooperated suppliers (563)Years in industry(14)
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    Shandong Laishi Automation Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the research and development of hardness testing production line technology, the integration and construction of large-scale online hardness production lines, and provides professional consulting services for hardness production line planning and metallographic sample preparation solutions.


     We have served over 200 domestic top 500 enterprises, military institutions, colleges and universities of science and engineering at all levels, and scientific research institutes. We sincerely look forward to cooperating with you!